Survey Processing


If you need survey processing, IFC handles it all!

Because of our experience in mail management, digital printing, and data processing we are able to manage the full cycle of design, print, mail, receive, process and report for highly professional and cost-effective surveys. Through this experience and advanced equipment we provide low cost printing, the lowest possible outbound and return postage, response scanning technology, and superior reporting.


Surveys can be designed in a self-mailer or a letter format. Designs are formulated for the highest response rate at the lowest possible costs.


Self-mailers are duplex printed on cover stock. The surveys are then perforated, cut, folded, tabbed, and mailed as double postcards at the reduced post card postage rate. Integrated Business Reply Cards are completed and returned postage paid. Letter format surveys are imprinted with variable address data. The letters are then tri-folded, inserted into window envelopes with an accompanied Business Reply Envelope and mailed. The surveys are then completed and returned in the postage paid envelope.

Response Processing:

IFC manages all USPS Business Reply accounting.Response data is captured in barcode, OCR, ICR, OMR, and free-form format.


Data is captured in a relational SQL database.Custom reporting is provided in text, MS Access, and Excel formats. The reports are then provided to our clients through email or FTP.

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